Life Balance Yoga
Classes in Egerton, near Ashford, and also at the Maidstone Yoga Centre
Call 07775 720183

Leo comments on yogaIf you are shielding or isolating, look at the other class options…

Leo Bunyard comments:

If you have access to the internet, then you can practice yoga at home; although nothing beats attending a class with a qualified teacher. There is however, a lot of poor quality yoga instruction on the internet and it can be difficult finding appropriate tuition. Have a look at the following options for a great online class:

  1. Pre-recorded classes from the Library at Maidstone Yoga Centre. Select a class of the correct level and you have access to the class for the next 7 days. This is a structured way to learn and improve. Practice alone or with other members of your household.
  2. Zoom, live-streamed classes at Maidstone Yoga Centre. Select a class of the correct level and time for you. The teacher can see you on the screen and can correct your poses. This is more like a class experience, although you will not be in the studio.
  3. Youtube. Our channel, Yoga with Lin and Leo has been growing in popularity since we launched in 2018. You will find plenty of free content here in our videos and playlists.
  4. Download one of our ebooks: “Yoga for the Stressed Body, Yoga Sequences to Help Cope with Stress” “Yoga for the Stiffer Body- Inspirational Sequences Made Accessible for Real People”

Previous Leo comments . . .

Yoga and weight-loss

Why is yoga different to other forms of exercise?

Yoga Can Improve Overall Wellbeing

CLASSES PAGE: NB Class timetable is subject to alteration given the current situation.

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